Kenny Huffman Tennis Classic
52 Years Since 1973
Hi Tennis Fans,
Wow, we have had one of the worst winters ever in South Georgia. We had snow that lasted three days. We were all shocked. Temperatures ranged from the 40’s down to the teens. I know Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia, where most of our players come from for the KHTC, are used to this type of weather. But here in the south we are not. Thank the good Lord the last couple days have been in the 60’s and 70’s.
I know tennis practice has already started. Why don’t all you coaches get together and talk with the mayor and city council about building some indoor courts. They sure are needed. Someone needs to get the ball rolling.
This year will be the 52nd Kenny Huffman Tennis Classic. That is amazing. Our committee is down to eight members: Jim Vanover, Freddie Napier, Ralph Hood, Sue Huffman Stanley, Brad Stanley, Tim McNamee, Cody Marcum, and Kristy Marcum. These are wonderful people who work very hard for our tournament. We really need 12 members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Jim Vanover, Freddie Napier, or Sue Huffman Stanley. We need people that are willing to work a couple weeks out of the year and are interested in tennis.
We hold our meetings on zoom about every 6 weeks starting in February.
This years KHTC will take place July 25-
I have a tentative schedule which I will list.
These are the 10 tournaments we have now:
1) Grayson Heart of the Park – June 5-
2) KCC – Compton Cup in Knot Co. – June 20-
3) Kenny Huffman Tennis Classic – July 25-
4) Martin Co. High School Cardinal Classic – August 7-
5) Ashland City Championships – August 14-
6) Shelby Valley Summer Slam – September 12-
7) Dick Griffin Open – September 29 – October 1
8) Lawrence Co. High School US 23 Open, Louisa -
9) Morgan Co. Cougar Classic – October 4-
10) Rowan Co. High School Viking Challenge -
We have a possibility of adding 3 new tournaments.
They would be: 1) Letcher Central High School Whitesburg – June 27-
This year in many of the tournaments we plan on using a speed gun and having a speed serving contest. I think it would be a great addition. Our first meeting for the KHTC will be on February 23 on Zoom.
In sports, especially sports like tennis, golf, diving, archery, and other individual sports, it is all about you. And it should be. You have to be thinking about how you can improve, what you can do to outsmart your opponent, what your strategy is going to be, how you can be mentally strong and physically fitter. This is all necessary to be the best tennis player. But in real life, outside of tennis, you can’t have an I centered life.
We all have an I problem. I want it my way. I will do my thing. I have to take care of myself first. The danger of an I focused life is sin. The middle letter of sin is I. Where else does this apply? The middle letter of pride happens to be I. All the following words have the middle letter I: crime, whine, criticize, envious, deceitful, merciless, guilt, fatigue, hostility, and emptiness. So – remember to be humble and grateful for the talent God has given you and work at 100%.
Next month I can discuss what we talked about in our first KHTC Committee meeting. I will leave you with a quote from Billy Graham: “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spine of others is often stiffened”. You don’t have to be the best player on the court, but you do need to be courageous and confident.
Sue Huffman Stanley
Founder of Kenny Huffman Tennis Classic
KHTC Secretary
KHTC Board Member
Author of “A Tennis Love Story”
February 2025