Kenny Huffman Tennis Classic
52 Years Since 1973
Hi Tennis Fans,
I hope you had Happy Thanksgiving. We sure did. My son Kenny came to our house and cooked the entire dinner. My grandsons came down from Atlanta also. It was marvelous. We have a lot to be thankful for .
It is December. That means we all made it another year. Hallelujah. I want to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Kenny Huffman Tennis Classic Committee.
The KHTC is 51 years old and going strong. The tournament is drawing more junior players every year. Many of our players go on to play at the collegiate level. For that we are all thankful.
Our committee meets on Zoom from February until August. Then we take a break and come back with some bright ideas to improve the tournament. So over the winter set some goals and aim to be the best tennis player you can be on and off the court. I like this quote, "The question isn't who is going to let me, it is who is going to stop me from being the best".
See you next year. MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone.
Sue Huffman Stanley
Founder of Kenny Huffman Tennis Classic
KHTC Secretary
KHTC Board Member
Author of “A Tennis Love Story”
December 2024